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    « The Cat Came Back | Main | Guest Post by Barbara Carrellas: A Plea for Help for Kate Bornstein »

    February 19, 2014


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    Kitten Diotima

    Okay, i tried the Wonder Woman thing, even tho i was afraid it would make me feel like a boy, but it made me feel super girlie - which was aMAZing, so thank you Auntie K, and Steve, for that, i wish i could afford to help him with his rent, but i will barely make rent myself. Mark Twain's "Christian Science" is interesting, if long, and hilarious of course, tho his fears about Christian Science were definitely overblown, which takes some of the bite out of it. However, many of those fears could easily be applied to Scientology - there def similarities between the two, including charismatic leaders, tho i think CS didn't become the fearsome force of totalitarianism Twain predicted because it couldn't stay strong with the loss of it's leader, Mary Eddy Baker. Thanx also for turning me onto Janet Mock.

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