I've been working on a new version of my touring workshop. This one's called:
World Peace
through Gender Anarchy & Sex Positivity
I tried out early versions of the workshop at both the Queer Arts Festival in Vancouver, and at a recent tour at Hampshire College. I'll be honing and developing the piece over the next couple of seasons' touring. Here's one of the slides I'm using. I told folks at Hampshire that I'd post this online for their reference. I'm trying to contextualize the gender binary as one of many spaces of cultural regulation that more or less pass for binaries in the world. The workshop points toward building a coalition of the margins, with both sexuality & gender activists playing an equal role at the coalition table. This is nothing written in stone. It's just a theory, which means it could be a great big fat lie. But I don't think it is. Comments welcome.
Auntie Kate
(click on the image to see full-size. feel free to copy & print.)
I truly enjoyed this. Thank you!
Posted by: Crimson_Tinted | September 21, 2012 at 10:15 AM
Thank you!
Posted by: chan luu bracelets | October 05, 2012 at 05:44 AM