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    July 06, 2012


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    Laurell K Hamilton (novelist), fairies, strangers, and YOU, Ms. Bornstein!!!


    Dr. Scott Morgensen.


    Kate Bornstein, my mentor Sanford Wyse, and the show Firefly.

    Lotte Zwo

    Julie Andrews aka Victoria Grant aka Victor Grazinski.

    Kate Bornstein.

    Anne Fausto-Sterling.

    Thomas W. Laqueur.


    Sandy Stone for being very brave.


    Kate Bornstein
    The ladies of
    Amanda Palmer
    Neil Gaiman's books
    Tamora Pierce's books
    Angela Carter
    Tegan & Sara
    My boyfriend (as messed up as I am)
    My mother (who is awesome)
    All of those who forged a path with their bravery, courage and strength of heart.

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