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    « Seeking 101 Gender Outlaws | Main | Beyond LGBTQQIA etc, Who's a Member of Our Club? »

    February 22, 2012


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    anonym 21 1/2

    i think men and women need to be equal in all the areas in our society!@

    Kristina "Xina" Brouhaha

    Activist demands: full equality on every level, including the right not to have to label as "Mr./Mrs./Ms" in virtually every sphere of life - particularly when applying for stuff online! I would also add more flexibility in terms of defining legally recognized relationships than currently exist even here in Canada (e.g. a registry system such as in Scandi countries?)

    VALUE OF SEX/GENDER ADVOCATES: bringing to forefront kneejerk stereotypes that still exist re. gender even in seemingly progressive activist communities, and helping to start a dialogue in this respect.

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    The good side of feminism is that it liberates women of their rights and elevated their status in the society.They were given a lot of importance and opportunities we could not have imagined had this worldview never existed.However, in every freedom it is and can never be absolute.Feminism,sex and gender equality can not have it all.

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