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    February 29, 2012


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    Thank you, Sweetie! I'm so thrilled that you're the kick-off to this virtual tour. Thanks for such a lovely review and for sharing the book with all your peeps.

    I have always drawn my greatest inspiration from my tribes of queer, crazy, artsy, nerdy, pervy folks. My intention is to distill the wisdom I get from you all and say it in a way that invites everyone who feels left out of mainstream sex and gender culture to sit in a big virtual circle. A sexy circle. An ecstatic circle.

    I realized in a conversation I had yesterday with Kate and the members of the Deviant Mind Salon, that the word ecstasy expresses the perfect balance of physical joy and mystical revelation. I believe we could all use a lot more experiences that put our physical body, mind and emotions in more direct contact with the Great Big Good. I hope you all find Ecstasy is Necessary a useful guidebook.

    Gobs o'Love,


    Dearest Barbara and Kate,

    The two of you inspire me to continue my travelling/journey to be more fully present to all of myself and connected to whatever/whoever supports the fullness of my pleasure and, yes, ecstasy.

    Kisses and love to you both,


    Kate Bornstein

    Dear Miss Lynn,

    It's been too too too too long since we've spent time brightening each other's lives. Love you and miss you, and it's so good to hear from you.


    Kate Bornstein

    Dear Imzadi,

    Your book gave me the missing piece to my years long question: what is going to unlock the binary of GOD and SEX? It's the space where the two overlap, of course, and that space—of course—is ecstasy. I'm forever in awe of your courage.


    Marial Shea

    I've been following Barbara since reading and loving Urban Tantra a few years back. This is my first encounter with Kate, with whom I've fallen instantly in love. I don't think I've ever read a warmer, sweeter book review. I feel bathed in honeyed love just reading it.

    Deep heart thanks to both of you.


    Lynn! How lovely to hear from you and what a surprise to find you here. It's bee waaaay too long. Love you. Miss you. xoxox

    Imzadi—You're right. God and Sex are a binary. So obvious but I hadn't thought of it quite that way. Yes, the existence of ecstasy destroys the binary. Wow.

    Marial—Big love to you. I hope we meet in person soon. Thank you!

    Arthur Durkee

    Finally! A book that says what I've been doing all along: looking for sex with god. Thank you! I've only ever been able to talk about this to one or two people, and in poetry. For me it's always been what it's about, though, whether I could articulate it or not.


    I´ve gotta say this book was a bit of an eye opener for me. I have often thought like this but never realized that other women thought the same way.

    Mind Body Spirit

    I consider this the finest blog I have read all this hour.

    Leonard Gentry

    Your blogs are totally worth giving time and energy.

    learn more about it

    The substance you are penning blows out my nous.

    Ells Isbell

    Yes, sex really is necessary and now considered as part of man's physiological needs. People do need to understand more the why's, how tos and many other questions. I think everybody needs to read this Barbara Carrellas: Ecstasy Is Necessary: a practical guide. Gonna grab a copy on this!

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