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    « Trans Pride — Talking Points, Toronto 2011 | Main | Please Help Me Update My Gender Workbook »

    October 01, 2011


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    Christine Beatty

    * They are obsessed with other people's lives as a distraction from the horrible, shrieking nothingness of their own.

    * They were probably bullied themselves but subscribe to the "shit rolls downhill" theory instead of the "it ends with me" principle.

    * They have no real friends, only those who curry favor.

    * They are cowards at heart, so they'll never get out of the car to bash you unless they have five "friends" for backup.


    Bullies control space, movement, communication and physicality without consent.

    Bullies find aspect in their target they think that person should be ashamed of & they expose it to the world repeatedly.


    I'm no expert on bullying in school, but I did write a chapter in my book about bullying in the workplace, and then i made an app on the android store to help people identify workplace bullying.

    If you'd like to see it, it's here: (at the bottom of the page)

    Nathan Adler

    Would love to read Hello Cruel World but am blind and keen to know if it's available as a .doc or .pdf?


    This page (a profile of the average abuser) is a useful read.

    Some people with these qualities are also present in the queer community, unfortunately.

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