I was invited to Toronto this year to speak at Trans Pride. I don't often get invited to speak at Pride events, so not too many people have heard or read what I think about LGBTetc Pride, and more specifically Trans Pride.
A lot of what I said at Toronto Trans Pride is part of a book I'm working on for Seven Stories Press, called No Votes For Bullies: Democracy For The Rest of Us. If all goes according to plan, the book should be out in September, 2012—a couple of months after my memoir, A Queer and Pleasant Danger, comes out from Beacon Press in June, 2012.
So, here are the talking points I used for my talk on Trans Pride, delivered to some hundreds of lovely gender anarchists and sex positive, sex inclusive outlaws at the post-march Gender Revolution stage in Toronto on July 1st, 2011.
Click to download Talking Points PDF file
Okey dokey, then. I'm still writing the first draft of my memoir, It goes to the printer at the end of August and I have miles to go before I sleep.
Happy Summer!
kiss kiss
Thanks for comiing Kate... your speech and a still photo is on You Tube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dnp_uAealLM
The sound quality is very good, I was close to the stage.
Posted by: Dawna | August 25, 2011 at 07:14 PM
Yes, I know this is the wrong place but just wanted to stop by and say "Congrats" for making the list on Huffington Post.
Theories come and go but I still regard myself as an "outlaw". Much easier that wahy...
We moved north to Prince George from Vancouver almost a decade ago and much enjoy the winters. No earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, tidal waves volcanoes, poisonous critters, or revolutions. Just a few moose and bear.
Regards and Hugs,
Willow Arune
Posted by: Willow Arune | November 20, 2011 at 03:10 PM