Bring Kate to Your Town

  • Bring Kate to Your Town
    To bring Kate to your school or town for a performance, workshop, lecture, or all of the above, please send an email to the following address. PLEASE do not use this email for personal correspondence. It will not be answered. This address is only for booking touring engagements: katebornstein at earthlink dot net. Twitter is still the best way to reach Kate for any personal reason.

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    July 04, 2011


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    Thanks for comiing Kate... your speech and a still photo is on You Tube at
    The sound quality is very good, I was close to the stage.

    Willow Arune

    Yes, I know this is the wrong place but just wanted to stop by and say "Congrats" for making the list on Huffington Post.
    Theories come and go but I still regard myself as an "outlaw". Much easier that wahy...
    We moved north to Prince George from Vancouver almost a decade ago and much enjoy the winters. No earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, tidal waves volcanoes, poisonous critters, or revolutions. Just a few moose and bear.
    Regards and Hugs,
    Willow Arune

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