It's been a terrible couple of weeks. Stories of LGBTQetc youth killing themselves have been hitting the web, it seems, every couple of days. It's been so intense that many, many people have begun talking about queer youth suicide. People have been railing about it, howling about it. Well bless everyone who's been doing that. And bless Dan Savage for starting up the It Gets Better Project on YouTube. This is my contribution to that project.
In my video, I promise folks that they can come to this blog and get yourself a Get Out of Hell Free card. Well, click here to get your card. You can print it out and carry it around with you. Heck, you can even make copies and hand 'em out to your friends.
Here's how it works: you do whatever it takes to make your life more worth living. Anything. Anything at all. It can be immoral, unethical, or illegal (can't help you if you get caught on the illegal stuff). It can even be self-destructive. I often do self-destructive things because it seems to me—when I'm really down in the depths—that only the self-destructive stuff is gonna make life more worth living.
So... you do anything it takes—anything at all—to make your life more worth living. There's only one rule that makes that sort of blanket permission work: Don't be mean. That's the only rule you ever need to follow to make sure that your life is gonna get better.
If you're not mean, you can do anything it takes to make your life more worth living. And if you get sent to Hell for doing something that wasn't mean to someone? Hang on to the card. Give it to Satan. I'll do your time for you. Yep. I told Satan I'd do that, and Satan agreed that'd be a fun thing to do for all of us.
It takes true courage to follow your outlaw identities and desires in the world. Doing that nearly always ends you up with less worldly power. But I promise: you can always do something to make your life better every single day of your freaky geeky life.
Go do that, right now. Please.
kiss kiss
Your Auntie Kate
You're the best Auntie ever, and that was a beautiful message. This is one bandwagon worth jumping on.
thank you for lending your voice and energy and love.
Posted by: Kyle | October 01, 2010 at 03:51 PM
I am so glad you made it through those six times, because your work makes the world a much better place.
You are one beautiful freak!
Posted by: LilySea | October 01, 2010 at 03:53 PM
Thank you for that ~ it made me cry in the best possible way :) <3
Posted by: StinkerBelle74 | October 01, 2010 at 04:02 PM
I love you Auntie Kate. You make me so happy SweetKittenToes.
Posted by: Shannon | October 01, 2010 at 06:01 PM
You are so amazing! And I am so lucky, because you're coming to my University, KU next week! Yaaayyyyyy!!!! I so cannot wait!
Posted by: EmilyKennedy | October 01, 2010 at 08:43 PM
Hi Auntie Kate! I'm a 44 year old Radical Faerie and I SOOOOO needed to hear your message just now. Thanks much. I saw you perform in Seattle around 15 years ago and you educated me a LOT about gender issues. You are a blessing and you are blessed.
Leo Starfucker Sunshine
Posted by: Leo S. Sunshine | October 02, 2010 at 02:23 AM
Love you Kate xox
Posted by: Melanie | October 02, 2010 at 08:36 AM
hi Kate, we met many-many years ago, at a Union Institute seminar in CA. You were there teaching with Minnie Bruce Pratt and Nancy Owens. I am the greek gal that was at the seminar. The 'Gender Breaking, Blending, Bending' week changed my whole view on gender and life. I still talk about it to my friends and trainees. Thank you for making the video, thank you for being 'you', thank you for being outspoken and caring.
Posted by: Alex | October 02, 2010 at 12:58 PM
Dear Kate,
How truly charming you are! I'm 45, I'm fully out, and I still needed to hear what you had to say right now. Thank you from the very bottom of my very queer heart,
Posted by: Cathy | October 03, 2010 at 12:15 AM
Thank you so much, I've really been having a hard time and you made me feel so much better, you really are blessed! <3 Satine
Posted by: Satine | October 03, 2010 at 06:40 PM
You made my life so much better. Today was such a shitty day and I spent it crying. Thank you for reminding me that it gets better. That 'Get Out Of Hell Free' card helps too. Much love and appreciation to you.
PS. I really wish I lived with you!
Posted by: Joyce | October 04, 2010 at 09:50 PM
I just want to thank you so much for coming to Rachel V.'s class today at KU. You've really inspired me to rethink the standards I have preset in my mind and to be a better person. I wish I could see you perform at Hash hall tomorrow night, but I have a test around the same time. I'll try to make it if I can. You're truly inspiring!
Posted by: Kmtbarrientos | October 04, 2010 at 11:27 PM
Dear Kate,
You are a huge inspiration to my generation. The world these days to me seem to get worse or worse. I mean, myspace is now known to 3rd graders! My friend smokes and he's a sophmore in high school. I'm a pansexual female and ever since I changed schools, I feel scared to react to both females and males. They are not like me at all. Thank you so much.
-A sophmore in high school.
Posted by: Xxliinanshet | October 05, 2010 at 02:38 AM
♥ auntie kate
Posted by: Marsian | October 05, 2010 at 02:44 AM
I teared up, really. Thanks Kate, I love you too.
Posted by: Jen | October 05, 2010 at 12:32 PM
aw, kate, you're adorable!
i'm lucky-- i have a good relationship with a God who is just delighted with my queer-as-fuck sex and gender. but i took the "get out of hell free" card anyway. just in case. ;)
Posted by: Kody | October 05, 2010 at 08:50 PM
BTW, one of my dearest friends who is somewhat agnostic says that I am into religion enough for a dozen people and that if she finds herself at the pearly gates being questioned, she's going to say she's on my list. So now I tell people that all the time--that they can say they're on my list.
Posted by: Shannon LC Cate | October 05, 2010 at 09:52 PM
it's me, ulla. nope you won't know the name. i pop up every few years to squawk about how much i love nearly roadkill. i bugged you on twitter too, when i was on twitter. and now i'm fangurling at you again for that very touching, wry, genuine video.
<3 aunt kate - yer just the most amazingly compassionate woman.
thank you.
Posted by: ulla | October 06, 2010 at 07:02 AM
It means so much to see someone saying that even though it gets better, that doesn't mean the struggle to want to stay alive stops. Also, you're book (well, all of your books, but especially 'Hello Cruel World') should be required reading in middle school. It would make the world a much better place.
You have done so much for me, and for many people I know. Thank you for everything, Auntie.
Posted by: xMech | October 07, 2010 at 01:47 AM
I so love this.
Utter perfection.
Posted by: Jenny, bloggess | October 08, 2010 at 09:43 AM
Fabulous video, Kate!
Posted by: jesse james | October 09, 2010 at 11:51 PM
Thank you, Auntie Kate. You are really sweet and amazing. Keep at it!
Posted by: Jay B. | October 11, 2010 at 06:21 PM
Out of all the many "It Gets Better" videos that I watched, yours was the one that stuck with me the most. You seem like the most sincere person and I really respect you for everything that you do and say to help others. Your message is very eye opening and I will keep it with me forever. Thank You.
Posted by: Julia | October 12, 2010 at 02:20 AM
I love that you're telling people that their life is worth more to you than any judgement you might have about how they keep their life meaningful.
This side of the 'mean' boundary, of course.
And with that in mind: Congratulations on being you. Stick with it, Auntie Kate. :-)
Posted by: Enoch Root | October 12, 2010 at 02:51 AM
i adore you, and Hello Cruel World got me through some very dark times, just like Gender Outlaw allowed me to feel free to be more "feminine." Honestly, you are this millinieum's Mr. Rogers. Thank you for being you.
Posted by: Carol the Long Winded | October 12, 2010 at 09:13 PM
Dear Carol,
I've been called many things, but "this millenium's Mr. Rogers?" Never. I like it. I always saw myself as this millenium's Mr. Ed. kiss kiss, K
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | October 12, 2010 at 09:46 PM
Dear Kate,
Your "My Gender Workbook" was a lifesaver when I was 26 and going through some shit, and now I stumble upon a youtube video by you that is so very comforting, now that I am once again going through some shit. Pretty heavy shit, actually. I thought once I got to this age, life would pretty much run smoothly. It's a frigging roller-coaster ride to the end, isn't it? Here's to making life worth living, every single smegging day. You're beautiful, and bold, and you have my thanks for being one of the folks who help make my life worth living.
Posted by: Lisa | October 12, 2010 at 10:09 PM
Hello Kate,
This is Joel from KU (UK? [it was actually explained to me recently that UK might in fact be University of Kentucky is why that happened]). I had to leave the meeting that had occurred at that church, and I was unable to say goodbye to you before you left Kansas! (due to circumstances or some such).
Therefore, I just wanted to say thank you very much for coming to our school; it was just as awesome as I had been expecting. Hopefully I will be able to see/talk with you again at some point in time.
Posted by: Joel Layton | October 15, 2010 at 04:20 PM
hi kate,
this is nev from hong kong. i've suffered bi-polar disorder for 5 years... just keep taking numerous anti-psycho pills everyday... i tried to kill myself 4 times... i did it again few days ago...
i'm living with shit, the whole world abandons me, forgets me...
my life is... something like eating shit every single minute, one more minute i live, one more minute i eat shit...
even my parents, i'm staying in hospital now, three days already... they've never showed up in front of me... my life is just a load of shit!
i'll be locked into mental hospital if i lose control again... all i want is to end up my life... i want to end up all pathetic feelings, illusions, desperations i am suffering...
i feel no hope totally... i am just a excessive waste in this planet...
sorry for my poor english...
Posted by: Nosharkfin | October 17, 2010 at 01:47 PM
Dearest Nev,
Oh, baby. I am SO sorry to hear that life is that hard for you. I wish I could be there to hold your hand. Is there anyone you trust nearby? Anyone who says they love you and maybe they really mean it... even if you think they don't mean it? That would be a good person to call to your bedside right now.
Other than that... has there ever been a bit of spiritual wisdom that has made you feel peaceful? What might that be?
Please try downloading this PDF and see if it helps:
I wish you comfort, honey, and as much peace as possible.
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | October 17, 2010 at 03:51 PM
Hey, Joel. It was great meeting you. I'm sure we'll see each other again some day. That's how it seems to work in our part of the underground. ::hugs:: Auntie Kate
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | October 17, 2010 at 04:13 PM
hi kate,
it's nev again...
when someone tried to hurt his family physically, lived in psychiatric ward for 2 months (accumulate over a year), i do believe his family would leave him... it's me...
i isolate myself from this world, no one to talk to... my best pals are nitrazepam, lorazepam and cannabis... i always OD and pray to god that i can end up my screwed up life...
i'm reading the suicide note of Mitchell Heisman, and trying to learn how he planned his action so well, so perfect..
merci, ciao,
Posted by: Nosharkfin | October 17, 2010 at 09:24 PM
hi nev. it sounds like you are in such pain. i wish you comfort, dear, and i wish there was more i could do for you. love, Kate
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | October 18, 2010 at 01:30 AM
I heard you speak a decade or two ago to a higher education group. A thought you shared with us has stuck with me ever since and has guided my professional and personal work. It has come back to my mind given the publicized suicides of the past few months. You said that -- at the time - while violence against gays (especially) had declined, suicide was up.
You said we were no longer killing gay teens. We were making them kill themselves.
I know those are not the exact words, but those of us in ally roles today might benefit from reading your thoughts about that today. Thanks for helping all of us.
Posted by: David Crandall | October 20, 2010 at 07:33 PM
Ditto on the *best auntie ever* comments. <3
best. ever.
Posted by: Miss Avarice | October 29, 2010 at 03:22 AM
Dear Kate,
This is jessi. I watched this video and I cryed. I have been going through every sort of self harm imaginable to keep myself alive and it just doesn't seem worth it. I am on anti depressive meds and they don't help. I'm sorry I am asking for your love because I feel like you share your love with so many people, god, i wouldnt have the enegy. I bought your book last year and keep it by my bed. it helps so much and is probably the reason why i am still here. I always end up asking the question if suffering (staying alive) is more painful than dying. i dont know what i am doing here and was wondering if you could give me some words of advice or love.
Posted by: jessica | November 09, 2010 at 11:42 PM
Dear Jessi,
Oh, honey... I'm so sorry to read how you're suffering. And yes, you've got my love all around you, like a hug, whenever you want that.
Now, you write about me sharing my love with so many people, and that you wouldn't have the energy to do that. Well, I bet you *do* have the energy to do just that. For me it's the act of sharing love that gives me the energy to keep on going.
I don't know how old you are, or what your living situation is, but is there any chance you could volunteer to help out in a charitable or activist group that you believe in? That would help put your beliefs into actions, and that would certainly help you get closer to discovering what it is you're doing here. Does that sound like something you could do? Please give that a try and let me know if that helps.
BIG love to you.
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | November 10, 2010 at 12:07 AM
Thank you for repeatedly saving my life, Auntie Kate.
Posted by: Pax | January 24, 2011 at 06:34 PM
Dear Pax,
It's my great pleasure to hear you're alive and kickin'. So… you're welcome, and thank you for letting me know I've been a good set of training wheels for ya. Sooner than you think, you're gonna be saving your life all on your own.
kiss kiss,
Auntie Kate
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | January 24, 2011 at 09:10 PM
I just wanted to say thank you. So much. I don't even have words for how much your book helped me(which, for me, is new) and I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but thank you. Thank you for being the wonderful person you are, and sharing yourself with the world.
Posted by: Elleohelle | February 01, 2011 at 10:48 AM
Hi, Kate.
I almost OD'd for the first time the night before last, and ended up in the hospital with my fiance. He's now considering leaving me. I feel utterly alone, and the idea of losing a member of my family like that because I was too weak to do something more constructive makes me feel at a loss.
I'm sorry for leaving this message here, but I don't really know where else to turn. I'm trying desperately to feel your love from here. I need it, and I don't know how to let the hugs you give me people get to me.
Posted by: Kittymaxwell | February 09, 2011 at 02:08 AM
Sorry - typo: *I don't know how to let the hugs you give to people get to me.
Posted by: Kittymaxwell | February 09, 2011 at 02:08 AM
Kate, this video really inspired me. I was wondering if I could get your email, I need some advice on something.
Thank you so much, I posted your video on my facebook and all my friends love it!
Posted by: Madii Smith | February 10, 2011 at 10:12 PM
Hi Kittymaxwell, and ouch ouch ouch! I'm so sorry to hear life's been that difficult for you. I did manage to find you on Twitter, and I've sent you a Direct Message to get in touch with you with the hugs you asked for. Give me an answer there, and I'll do my best to help. xoxo K
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | February 11, 2011 at 01:54 PM
Dear Madii, I'm glad you found the video helpful. As to advice, the only place I'm able to make time for that is on Twitter. Please do get in touch at I'm pretty good at talking in 140 characters, so please do give that a try. xo Kate
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | February 11, 2011 at 01:58 PM
Dearest kate,
this week has been absolutely ridiculous for me...midterms all week, bouts of depression, regretting decisions i haven't even made yet... i'm a transgendered woman, born & raised in new york city but i feel as if i was raised in a small town has been very limited for me, my entire family has made it clear that once i fully transition, they want nothing to do with me.
i'm finished with hormone therapy and by spring break i should have my first prescription..which is REALLY exiting for me.. but lately i've been doubting my decison...thoughts of eternal damnation have been running through my mind, never being able to find love, all that melodramatic shit..this week i've been crying like it's nothing, self medicating by listening to my iPod. my therapist is like the keeper of my screts and i love her to death, but i feel like it's just her job to listen to me..from a very young age i've been deficient in the love and support department.. and watching your video on the school computer while i should have been doing a spanish lesson on rosetta stone has made me feel the love i never got from anyone else. when you said i love you, i felt the love. it felt real, and i thank you for that. from now on, i will follow your philosphy on how to live life, not being mean lol. i feel like i've known you my entire life, you really are like an aunt. i truly hope you understand the impact you've had on my life, even though i've only known of your existence for 3 days, and me comming across your blog was purely coincidental.
please believe i'll be buying two of your books next week!
thank you for being the inspiration i needed to get through this week(:
much love,
brielle marciano<3
( not gonna lie, i reaaaally hope you respond to this!) & when will you be comming back to new york?
Posted by: Brielle Nicole Marciano | April 07, 2011 at 12:58 PM
Dear Kate: The video is not visible from a NYC Dept of Education student computer. That means NYC teens cannot see it in schools. Please look into this problem. One possibility might be that YouTube is blocked. Vimeo, for example, is not.
Posted by: Camilla | April 07, 2011 at 02:42 PM
Hey, Camilla. I'm sorry that the video isn't getting through. It's on my to-do list, but may take a while. If you know someone who can post it sooner, I'm happy to send them a link to download the video so they can post it. It's the best I can do, given the schedule I'm on. xoxo K
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | April 11, 2011 at 01:31 PM
Hi there Kate,
I stumbled on this site because I am completely sick of my current life and was looking for alternatives to suicide. Everything about my life is railroading me into a nice set path of lifelong debt and servitude to a big faceless company. I am about to turn 30 and have NEVER done anything with my life except studying and work, always trying to get ahead and being knocked back by everything and everyone in life and I can't see it ever changing. For the last few months I have had such a ... yearning to simply get in my car see if I can get the needle to the top and drive headfirst in the most solid object I can find. I feel like I have worked myself into the bottom of hole and now I can't even see the daylight anymore. My guess is you hear this story often so I want to ask, 'How?' how can I take that first step towards living a life I want to? I just feel like I'm too far gone to be able to be helped.
Posted by: Frimblestitch | April 25, 2011 at 10:48 AM
Dear Kate, I am a lgbt-books reviewer from the Netherlands and I wrote a very positive review about your 101 alternatives to suicide book! In dutch, so you won't be able to read it. Sorry.
Posted by: connie van gils | May 14, 2011 at 11:59 AM