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    September 12, 2010


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    Auntie Kate I am so excited to buy this. Love you.


    Yay! This is excellent! I have been getting alot of intellectual mileage out of the FemmeCon lecture you posted. Particularly the "Pretty isn't evil and cute isn't dumb" mantra. I want to include this as a theoretical concept in my research on personal style bloggers. I look forward to checking out your new publication.


    I've scraped up enough change to buy it! Really looking foward to reading it. My Gender Outlaw book is highlighted and underlined, I thought it was that good.


    I bought this at random, read it voraciously and learned an awful lot about myself. I'm *very* early in the transition process (MTF) and this book was invaluable for helping to realise that my vision of the kind of woman I actually am is the one I should be following. Thank you so so SO much.

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