I'm going out on tour, and I'm not leaving the comfort of my writing chair. You can come along too!
The reviews are coming in on Gender Outlaws: The Next Generation: one a day for the next nine days. Seal Press is the publisher of the new anthology. Their slogan is Groundbreaking Books, By Women, For Women. Well, they're stretching that slogan all out of shape. They came up with the fun idea to arrange for a tour of reviews from nine different corners of the feminist/trans/trans-friendly/and genderqueer blogosphere.
I've already had a chance to read the first posted review today. It's by Everett Maroon, and it's up on I Fry Mine in Butter. No puff journalism, this. It's a wonderful essay. I've posted a comment to the blog, and I hope to read and comment on each of the reviews as they're posted.
(Oh! I'm enjoying this almost as much as I enjoyed working with S. Bear Bergman and Seal Press to put this anthology together in the first place!)
So, here's the rest of the schedule. Enjoy the perspectives!
- Tuesday, Sept 28 - Rose Spotts posts on Twisted Peppermint.
- Wednesday, Sept 29 - R. J. posts a comic review on Riot Nrrd Comics.
- Thursday, Sept 30 - Jamie Ann Royce posts on Stuff Queer People Should Know
- Friday, Oct 1 – Hannah Royce posts on Walking the Labrynth
We take the weekend off, and continue the following Monday.
- Monday, Oct 4 – Zane McHattie posts on ED Recovery
- Tuesday, 10/5 – Nome posts on That’s What Ze Said
- Wednesday, 10/6 – Jac Stringer posts on MWgenderqueer
and we close our blogging tour of GO The Next Generation with...
- Thursday, 10/7 – Bevin Branlandingham posting on Queer Fat Femme Guide to Life
- Friday, 10/8 – Mr. Sinclair Sexsmith posting on SugarButch!
I'll be tweeting each stop on the tour as it goes up. So... enjoy the next couple of weeks of binary-blowing gendernalysis. And please do join in the conversation along your way with comments on each of the reviews, and right here if you like. I am SO all aquiver!
kiss kiss
Auntie K