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    To bring Kate to your school or town for a performance, workshop, lecture, or all of the above, please send an email to the following address. PLEASE do not use this email for personal correspondence. It will not be answered. This address is only for booking touring engagements: katebornstein at earthlink dot net. Twitter is still the best way to reach Kate for any personal reason.

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    December 01, 2009


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    So, this is pretty random, but I just suggested to a friend that "Kate Bornstein has made a life's work of being a matron of a particular side of the broader queer movement." And, when I was reading back over my sent e-mail I realized that it is perhaps somewhat impudent of me to make that assertion. Even if it is my honest, albeit atypically situated, perspective. . . . Right. So, I think I'm asking for either retro-active permission or forgiveness.

    p.s. Sorry to be so off topic. Didn't know where else to put this.

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