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    November 08, 2009


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    Hey, Im now one of your 'twitter twibe'... :)

    Caisa Viksten

    Thank you for sharing the notes with us hun. As always you've given me a lot to think about.

    How can we get this G-A-S-P thingie organised without becoming yet another part of the established powers that be? We probably should keep it an informal network using the tools the net provides us. But also form local affinity groups to support and inspire.

    And maybe a yearly meet up in diferent parts of the world, a Global Queer Party?


    This was great. Reading it wouldn't be as good as seeing you give the talk but I'll take what I can get when it comes to these issues.

    I'm going to agree with Caisa, who posted before me, a Global Queer Party!


    I am also one of your twibe now! Auntie Kate, you are truly a prophet. I agree with EVERYTHING you have said in this note. And I love the word GASP! I now identify as GASP, so we have at least one person. Let's find many more! :3

    Kate Bornstein

    That's very sweet of you to say, Miss Jacqueline. Thank you. Prophet? No, I'm more like Starbuck in Battlestar Galactica leading humanity to it's doom. As to GASP, yeah it's sweet but I fear it's too sweet to be embraced by mainstream world values. And I love you right back. xoxo Aunty K

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