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    June 06, 2009


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    you are endlessly inspiring.
    i love that you first say 'fuck' and then ask if it's ok.
    don't stop.
    i saw you perform w/ smyrc youth in portland a few years ago and am still grateful for that experience.
    thank you for doing what you do over and over again.


    I've been wanting your book for so long but am broke, then i found a gift card lying in the middle of the street and was finally able to buy it. I'm only on page 70-something but you're already saving my life (which is really a feat since I'm in a psychiatric day program and just did 7 months inpatient). I realized I've been needing your book for the 29 years of my life so far and am so, so, so lucky to have your brilliance and experience and amazingness here for me now. And I would absolutely love to meet you one day. Thank you so much for everything and lots of love... xoxo, kerry


    dude, you're my fucking hero.

    Randi Cramer

    Thank you so much for posting this... I hadn't found your stuff until today and I'm sitting here crying because your "do anything it takes to make your life more worth living" is exactly what I needed to hear.

    Thank you. You have no idea how sincerely I mean that.


    This is amazing :)


    Auntie Kate,
    you are truly an inspiration. never lose your wit, sense of humor and passion for life. you are truly a blessing to us all.
    your gay lil nephew


    I find your work amazing, I've read many your articles and i want ed to know if its possible if i could have an e-mail interview with you for help in essay I'm doing for my students to understand?

    Thank you :)

    Mary Ann Seday

    Hi Kate. You are inspiring. I want to know if any of your books have been translated into spanish, particularly 101 and Workbook. Folks in LAC are despaerate for freedom. I am in Honduras now and I'm sure you have heard of the rash of assasinations within GBTTI community, particularly trans. Thank you for you!

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