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April 12, 2009


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Sarah Dopp


Kate Black

I hope they fix this and cough up an apology.

In the meantime, I won't be buying from Amazon. (But Gender Outlaw was still coming up in my searches, even though it has been de-ranked.)

Tara Hunt

I did a search for all of the authors you pointed out - both logged in and logged out and they are all there. I even one-click ordered another copy of your fabulous My Gender Workbook.

Maybe they changed it back?

Kate Bornstein

Thanks, all. Tara... I still cannot locate any of the above authors from Amazon's front page UNLESS I search "books" specifically. That's not how I've ever searched Amazon, and I'm afraid folks will be discouraged by simply typing into the front page search field. But I'm VERY glad to hear you're getting ANOTHER copy of My Gender Workbook. Makes me happy that it helps. Kiss, Kiss K

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