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It's been called to my attention that it may not be possible to buy new copies of any of my books on You can find Kindle editions for Hello, Cruel World and My Gender Workbook. Whoopee. And there's no record of my sales record there, either. Dang.
It's been called to my attention that it may not be possible to buy new copies of any of my books on You can find Kindle editions for Hello, Cruel World and My Gender Workbook. Whoopee. And there's no record of my sales record there, either. Dang.
I'm not the only queer, sex positive, gender bent author to have gone missing.
Thank you, Melissa Gira Grant at Sexerati, who's got the most up-to-date coverage of this weird, weird right wing news of literary censorship.
Among the MIA (Missing In Amazon): Barbara Carrellas, Dossie Easton, S. Bear Bergman, Helen Boyd, Laura Antoniou, Candida Royale, Julia Serano, Carol Queen, Annie Sprinkle, Lawrence Schimmel. And those were just the first couple I searched for. Holy poop!
Wasn't Bush voted out of office?? Who is putting this kind of pressure on Whoever it is, they don't know how subversive and queer Judith Butler is. You can still buy her books on Amazon. But I wouldn't. I'd buy all my books elsewhere, until Amazon comes to it's senses.
I'm writing my agent and publishers to see what's up. In the meantime, you can buy my books through your local queer and sex positive bookstore. If you don't live near a queer or independent bookstore and need to buy online, do check out Powell's Books, a fabulous independent bookstore in Portland, Oregon. Or you can find them used at ABE Books.
Petitions and write-in campaigns have already begun. Check with your fave queer authors' blogs and websites and Twitter accounts for more updates. I'll post more when I know more.
In the meantime, persevere. Enjoy your sex positive, genderbent theory and porn.
Posted by: Sarah Dopp | April 12, 2009 at 09:06 PM
I hope they fix this and cough up an apology.
In the meantime, I won't be buying from Amazon. (But Gender Outlaw was still coming up in my searches, even though it has been de-ranked.)
Posted by: Kate Black | April 12, 2009 at 09:19 PM
I did a search for all of the authors you pointed out - both logged in and logged out and they are all there. I even one-click ordered another copy of your fabulous My Gender Workbook.
Maybe they changed it back?
Posted by: Tara Hunt | April 12, 2009 at 11:14 PM
Thanks, all. Tara... I still cannot locate any of the above authors from Amazon's front page UNLESS I search "books" specifically. That's not how I've ever searched Amazon, and I'm afraid folks will be discouraged by simply typing into the front page search field. But I'm VERY glad to hear you're getting ANOTHER copy of My Gender Workbook. Makes me happy that it helps. Kiss, Kiss K
Posted by: Kate Bornstein | April 12, 2009 at 11:30 PM