I came out into the world of lesbian community in the mid-1980s. I had just begun the process of my gender change to woman, and community was a new concept for me. Women called each other sister. Lesbians reached their hands to each other. A very few of them extended their hands to me, the new trans thing on the block. Not many 80s lesbians embraced tranny lesbians. The popular word was that we trannies had our sights set on taking over the women's movement. But a few good-hearted women ignored the warnings of their more conservative, separatist sisters.
Networking has always been important to the many women's movements of the 80s. There was no internet back then. Lesbians networked by phone, or in meeting rooms and kitchens. Magazines and newsletters kept women informed of political progress and tribal whereabouts. The simple act of reading one of those early journals—written with such warm hearts—was enough to make a sister feel hooked in and part of something bigger.
I met Genia Stevens on Twitter. Genia (pictured, right) has been lead blogger for the SistersTalk website for over six years now. She weaves her postmodern political awareness with a tone that calls to mind the old lesbian print media of the 80s. I'm honored that she's asked me to appear on her blogtalkradio talk show: SistersTalk Radio. Genia and I invite you to tune in Sunday evening, March 22nd at 6pm, EDT. For more info, visit the radio site here.
It's a call-in show, so please call in and let's network.
kiss kiss