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    October 13, 2008


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    i tell people i'm a New Yorker, which helps.

    I'm still scared, despite Betty's confidence that he will win.

    I think the world will not just breathe a sigh of relief, but that electing Obama will cause a lot of international assholes to say, "Hey - huh. They're not as stupid as we thought."


    Great article! This is exactly what I have been telling my friends and family "back home" since I moved overseas on business and have been traveling.

    In Paris, a waiter who asked me my nationality responded by giving the thumbs-down and saying one word: "Bush". In Rome, I had to avoid certain streets because Bush was in town, and people had banned together and were rioting heartily in the streets.

    In Saudi Arabia (remember, 90% of the 9/11 perpetrators were Saudi) traffic was banned and people stayed home when Bush came to speak to the King. No one had any hope of communication. The view of Americans is harsh there, in fact, there have been attacks. But there were whispers that if Obama were to become president, not only would the communication improve, but the whole view of America would be much more positive.

    The only place where I didn't hear strangers boast of their hatred of Bush was in Iran of all places. There, they were afraid of me, not because I'm American, but because they thought that I might actually like Bush or McCain who set off the chorus of "bomb Iran". These people were friendly and warm when I extended my own friendship. They don't want Iran to bomb anyone and surely do not want to be bombed! They just want peace, they just want to live normal lives. In fact, on television, I was surprised to hear John Lennon's "Give Peace A Chance" in the background. I couldn't understand what was being said, but I could guess.

    Peace. It's what everyone in the world wants. That, and to have enough peace to ban together and repair the devastated world economy and other unprecedented damage on so many fronts.

    Barack Obama is not only talking about hope. HE IS HOPE - for citizens of this great place under the heavens we call the world.

    But only we as American citizens have a voice in this hope. As an absentee balloteer, I've already raised mine, a small voice singing "Imagine" - a capella. I hope someday soon, you will join us...

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