All this talk about Trans for Obama has got me wondering: what is it that trannies can offer a guy who believes he's fully qualified to lead the free world? He says he wants to give us change we can believe in. Well, both Senators Obama and McCain are promising they'll change things for the better. They both say they're going to change this world into a better place for all of us. Change, change, change. Every other word in this furshlugginer campaign is change.
It's my opinion that neither Senator should fiddle around with any change until they learn a lot more about the mechanics of change... and precisely what it is about our culture that needs changing—like the either/or bully tactics of junior high that are playing themselves out in the US presidential campaign. It's time Americans change the way we see ourselves, far beyond Red or Blue. Trannies just may hold the key to accomplishing that. We know the principles of profound, complex change.