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    « Roll Your Body Like Sister Kate | Main | Get Out the Vote for the Good Guys! »

    June 23, 2007


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    Hi Kate,
    Great post. I was thinking about going to Chicago Pride but then I realized with how commercial it's gotten I'd be doing little more than spending too much money. Plus, as a bisexual, sometimes you're made to feel less-than-qualified to attend "gay" event. Although I was awfully tempted to attend after seeing a picture of this bi-guy wearing a white-picket hat with a sign that said "your fence is sitting on me." I actually just wrote a research paper on the radical queer critique of gay assimilation, so I definitely appreciate your post.

    Kristen Kelly

    I do agree with all you say, but by not going you are accepting things as the are. I go many places in the gay community where I am 1 if not the only transgendered person there, I am out mainstream and the public is adjusting so seeing us out there. Pride is all about that, I get a group of girls together all the time and out to dinner, we go, we get our looks, but never had a problem, that's a start to acceptance.

    Kate Bornstein

    I agree... the going or not going thing is a double-edged sword. And I heard from a great number of my dear friends in the US and EU who had an amazing time at their pride day experience. Maybe I'm old and cranky. Could be. I'll try to keep both sides of this subject in mind in the future. Shouldn't be too hard... I'm a Double Pisces. Sigh. Thanks for bringing this up. xoxo kate


    Hi Kate,

    It's great to hear you had such a fab time on this side of the pond. You were totally awesome at Transfabulous and for me, you are truely an inspiration.

    London Pride was wicked despite the rain. Take a look at our website - for more details ... It's a shame you weren't able to be there for it this year ... maybe next year??

    Love Yas

    Nathan Tamar Pautz

    Thanks for mentioning the "A" (asexual).

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